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JSON Query

A small, flexible, and expandable JSON query language.
Function name(argument1, argument2, ...)

A function is defined as a function name followed by comma separated arguments wrapped in round brackets. it is important to understand functions like filter, sort, and max are executed as a method in a chain: the operation is applied to the data input, and forwarded to the next method in the chain (if any).


sort(.address.city, "asc")
filter(.age >= 21) | sort(.age, "asc")

Documentation: Functions

Function reference:

Operator (left operator right)

JSON Query supports all basic operators. When composing multiple operators, it is necessary to use parentheses. Operators do not have precedence since parentheses are required.


(.age >= 18)
(.age >= 18) and (.age <= 65))

Documentation: Operators

Operator reference:

Pipe query2 | query2 | ...

A pipe is an array containing a series of queries. The queries in the pipeline are executed one by one, and the output of the first is the input for the next.


filter(.age >= 18) | sort(.name)

Documentation: Pipes

Object {prop1: query1, prop2: query2, ...}

An object is defined as a regular JSON object with a property name as key, and a query as value. Objects can be used to transform data or to execute multiple query pipelines in parallel.


  names: map(.name),
  numberOfNames: size()

Documentation: Objects

Array [query1, query2, ...]

An array is defined as a regular JSON array: enclosed in square brackets, with items separated by a comma.


filter(.city in ["New York", "Atlanta"])

Documentation: Arrays

Property .prop1.prop2

A property retrieves a property from an object. Multiple consecutive properties will retrieve a nested property.


"first name"
get("address", "city")

Documentation: Properties

Value "string", number, boolean, null

JSON Query supports the following primitive values, the same as in JSON: "string", number, boolean, null.


"Hello world"
"Multi line text\nwith \"quoted\" contents"

Documentation: Values